• i2MassChroQ version 0.4.57

    Some changes since the last announced version 0.4.50 : Software renamed from X!TandemPipeline to i2MassChroQ New user documentation HTML or PDF Statistic module integration MCQR i2MassChroQ contains mzxmlconverter i2MassChroQ contains tandemwrapper mzxmlconverter : Bruker’s TimsTOF pro MS2 spectrum conversion to mzXML This command line tool process raw MS2 TimsTOF data to produce high quality MS2 spectrum in the standard mzXML format (useable with any other tool).
  • X!TandemPipeline C++ version 0.4.50

    Some changes since the last announced version 0.4.42 : New user manual Better annotated spectrum window MCQR integration : basic XIC analyses and computation of protein quantities Enhancements on the TimsTOF pro TDF parser New background noise removal specific to TimsTOF signal (better quantifications with MassChroQ) tandemwrapper.
  • MassChroQ 2.4.3 Caïman à lunettes

    MassChroQ 2.4.3 Caïman à lunettes
    MassChroQ version 2.4.3 “Caïman à lunettes” is available. Main features : Severe bug fix concerning “match between run” Better computation performances Redesigned code to handle natively timsTOF pro runs, taking into account ion mobility dimension.