PAPPSO recruits a engineer for 1 year
Engineer job offer “Methodological developments for high-throughput plant proteomics”
• Location: Plateforme d’Analyse Protéomique de Paris Sud-Ouest (PAPPSO), Gif-sur-Yvette (France)
• Date: 12 months contract from february 2023
• Gross salary: 2100-2500 € per month depending on the experience
Key words: plant proteomics, liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), methodological development, data independent analysis, microflow
PAPPSO ( is a technological facility that aims to provide research teams with high skills and new-advanced equipments in the field of proteomics. For the last ten years, PAPPSO has been receiving more and more frequent requests for the analysis of large cohorts of plant samples (> 100 samples). These requests are all related to research projects in plant breeding or agro-ecology, where methodological approaches necessitating large experimental designs are increasingly turning to the exploitation of omics data collected downstream of the genome. To adress this evolution, PAPPSO needs to develop a new type of analysis in the field of high-throughput plant proteomics.