This is a major release of MassChroQ. This will be presented at the joint congress of the SFEAP and SEProt in Albi from 9 to 12 october 2018. This version allows efficient work on huge datasets : 250 samples of high complexity (gut microbiota) and high resolution (Lumos) can be aligned and quantified in 2 days (more than 1 million of XICs for each sample).

Most important changes are :

  • new XIC extractor mecanism (10 times faster than the previous 2.2.7 version)
  • new option to save memory using a disk cache (–on-disk option)
  • Graphical user interface bug fixed in MassChroQ studio
  • available packages for Ubuntu 14.04
  • CentOS7 installation procedure
  • Windows 10 64bits setup

MassChroQ homepage