i2MassChroQ results in ProteoBench

ProteoBench is an open platform for benchmarking proteomics data analysis workflows.
There several modules each one focusing on a specific Protomics technic:
ProteoBench is an open platform for benchmarking proteomics data analysis workflows.
There several modules each one focusing on a specific Protomics technic:
Important modifications since 1.0.10 :
The PAPPSO users’ scientific council will take place on September 23 and will be open to all, users of the facility or interested by its activities. It will be available by video via the following link (https://bbb.visio.inrae.fr/b/oli-nt9-82w-eav).
Important modifications since 1.0.3 :
Institut Agro, Montpellier
The Green Proteome Days are open to people interested in plant proteomics. You are invited to present new methodological developments in the fields of sample preparation, mass spectrometry and bioinformatics analysis as well as biological results obtained with proteomics. The conference is organized by the Green Proteome network.