i2MassChroQ for Windows 64 bits (win7 or higher)

A self extracting and easy to install setup file is available. Just download this file and double click on it : i2MassChroQ-mingw64-win7+-v 1.2.1 -setup.exe

Previous versions can still be downloaded from : ForgeMIA download page

i2MassChroQ for Ubuntu or Debian

Please follow repository installation instructions for Ubuntu, or Debian and then install it with synaptic or with the command :

sudo apt-get install i2masschroq


i2MassChroQ is a free software distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC licence v3.


The source code of i2MassChroQ is hosted by ForgeMIA. Contributors are welcome to send bug reports or directly access to the git repository.

Source code is directly available with git :

git clone git@forgemia.inra.fr:pappso/i2masschroq.git